Our Advanced Technology allows for autonomous operation & remote monitoring of your processes, without the need for operator intervention, thereby, allowing your operations to run 24/7/365. In addition, our remote operation & monitoring system automatically alerts you in the event a problem should occur!
We utilize software from top providers as well as our own proprietary software to install within in your plant. We utilize advanced control theory to replicate the decision making process your operators use in order to achieve perfection. Technologies such as AI and Expert systems in affect digitize your operator’s skill set when operating machinery. The result is a truly lights out manufacturing environment that runs 24/7 and without the need for stoppages such as breaks, illness and operator performance inconsistencies.
Our Advanced Technology also provides process status to stake-holders through a variety of communication channels such as Executive Dashboards, text message, voice messages and emails.
Our autonomous operation & remote monitoring advanced technology also provides interfaces into your business systems such as ERP’s, thereby, creating a seamless manufacturing environment with minimal intervention.